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Municipal Minute - New Borough Website

The Borough of Phoenixville has a new website! View Council and committee agendas and minutes, sign up for notifications, report issues within the Borough, and stay up to date on important information for residents and visitors. Take advantage of these features and more by creating a free account today!

To get started, click the blue “sign in” button in the upper right corner of the homepage. From here, you can either log in with existing account information, or create an account using an email or Facebook or Yahoo account.

Website – NotifyMe

Staying up to date on current events in the Borough has never been easier! With the launch of the Borough’s new website, came a new feature that allows residents to sign up for notifications via email or text message to a variety of listserves on happenings in town. Some examples are: event road closures, community events, agenda and minutes, bid postings, and more! Create an account with for the website, choose how you’d like to receive these messages, and stay in the loop! Look for the orange button on the left-hand side of the homepage that says ‘NotifyMe’ to get started!

Website – Request Tracker

Did you notice something within the Borough that needs repair, or would like to bring to Borough Staff’s attention? Use our Citizen Request Tracker app through the Borough website! Look for and click the orange button on the left-hand side of the homepage that says “Notify the Borough”. Then, simply choose the type of request or concern that you would like to notify staff about! You request will be submitted directly to the staff member that will be able to handle the matter. You can even communicate with staff on the issue via email to check the status or ask questions. Help Borough staff know what needs attention throughout town with this great new app.

Website – Mobile App

Take the Borough with you on the go with the new Mobile App available through Civic Plus!

Available in both Apple and Android App stores, search the term “civicmobile”, and look for the red icon.

Once downloaded, enter the name “Borough of Phoenixville” where prompted, and log in with your free account! It’s that simple! Now you can use key functions of the website while you are on the go!

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