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"Guys & Dolls" Date Night Bingo at the Kimberton Fire Company!

Attention all Guys and Dolls! An event is happening soon, and you might walk away feeling like you hit the jackpot!

This Saturday October 6th, a Phoenixville-based Women’s Outreach center called The House is hosting a BYOB bingo night!

Since 2015, this transitional housing program has been helping women get safe housing and resources to break the cycle of dependence and poverty.

The event is taking place at the Kimberton Fire Company, located at 2276 Kimberton Rd in Phoenixville. The doors open at 4 and bingo starts at 5! Tickets are $20 in advance or 25 at the door. With prizes ranging up to $1800, it’s definitely going to be a night to remember!

Also, the theme of the event is the Broadway musical Guys and Dolls, so wear your favorite 1920’s outfit to come and test your luck!

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